How Did I Get German Roaches?

German cockroaches (eggs included) are brought inside or hitchhike on man’s belongings, luggage, boxes, or packages. All it takes is bringing in one egg capsule, and in six months, you will have an infestation.
Before starting any German roach treatment plan, sanitation measures are critical. These roaches prefer moisture, food, and warmth. These smaller light-brown roaches are seen mainly in kitchens and bathrooms; they usually are spotted at night.

If you see these types of cockroaches during the day, there is a substantial infestation present.

These roaches also leave excrement droppings that look like black pepper. It is helpful to take note of the excrement location to treat in these areas; however, remove it with a vacuum cleaner as soon as possible. The bacteria from these excrement droppings may trigger asthma and allergies.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), they are proven or suspected carriers of the organisms causing diarrhea, dysentery, cholera, leprosy, plague, typhoid fever and viral diseases such as poliomyelitis.

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